The Movie Breakthrough was amazing
Did you see the movie breakthrough? If you didn’t you need to Put it on your list of movies to see. The movie is based on a true story. Really based on a miracle. Now I say there are miracles and …
Did you see the movie breakthrough? If you didn’t you need to Put it on your list of movies to see. The movie is based on a true story. Really based on a miracle. Now I say there are miracles and …
I can say I officially cross this off my bucket list. What is on your bucket list that you have not done yet? Ok some people call it a bucket list some people call it a goal list. I dare …
Stop wishing and start doing Everyone talks about what they want to do. But I found the Entrepreneurs actually do more than wish. Every time the powerball gets to a crazy amount lots & lots of people start …
This is Amazing man #Soldier #Army #Veteran on #DancingWithTheStars The above is what I tweeted. Now I have to be honest I’m not really into Dancing With The Stars. However I must make an exception for this. Noah Galloway makes …
Salute to Army Vet Noah Galloway on Dancing with the Stars Read more »
Motivating you every day. Taking you to the next level in your business A MARINE HAS YOUR BACK RUSS MAYO 816 309 7197 P.S. click here to
Everyone should ask themselves this question What is the best advice you ever got ? A MARINE HAS YOUR BACK RUSS MAYO 816 309 7197 P.S. click here to
Stop blaming others and make a Decision to be great. Anyone who has read my blog know’s I’m am about motivation. However I can’t Motivate anyone until they DECIDE I love this quick video you watch it and …
Are You Making a Difference in Someone’s Life A year ago I made a video saying the Kansas City Royals were not going to win the pennant anytime soon. This video says it all …
Name some Serial Entrepreneur Characteristics So I love Jeff Foxworthy’s sayings You might be a redneck IF…… Here’s mine, You might be a Serial Entrepreneur if……. You got up at 05:30 and not it and it’s after 0105 …
Take a minute to step back and Evaluate your work Are you where you want to be in your life. Eric Thomas said to SHUT UP talk less and work more. WORK ON YOUR WORK A MARINE …